Dr. Pieter J Botha

SHOULDER JOINT REPLACEMENTS - “Shoulder Hemi - Arthroplasty”
A Shoulder Hemi- Arthroplasty is really the surgical procedure in which the diseased humerus (head of the shoulder joint) is removed and replaced with the new artificial part.
The surgery is done through an incision on the front of your shoulder. The surgeon makes a 7–10 cm incision on the front of the shoulder from below the collarbone to the point where the shoulder muscle (deltoid) attaches to the humerus. Inter muscular planes are used without cutting through them - only one tendon - the subscapularis tendon is transected and repaired at the end of the procedure.

Humerus Preparation
The surgeon proceeds to dislocate the humerus from the socket-like cavity to expose the head of the humerus.
The surgeon enters the shoulder joint capsule. Only the portion of the head covered with articular cartilage is removed with a bone saw. The hollow inside of the upper humerus (the arm bone) is prepared for the humeral stem. The ball is attached to the stem.
The shoulder is re-located.
When the surgeon is satisfied with the fit, the joint capsule and subscapularis tendon are stitched together.
X-ray view

X-ray view

Short Stem

X-ray view