Dr. Pieter J Botha

What We Offer
The main focus of the practice is to treat joint degenerative diseases.
Dr. Botha has a special interest in Hip, Knee and Shoulder Arthroplasty(Joint Replacements) and all pathological conditions affecting these joints.
Orthopaedic procedures include:
Joint Replacements
Hip, Knee & Shoulder Arthroplasties
Knee Arthroscopic Surgery & Ligamentous Reconstructive Procedures
Hand Reconstructive & Soft Tissue Procedures
Selective Post Traumatic Conditions in Fields of Special Interest
Rotator Cuff repairs
Carpal Tunnel Release
De Quervain Release
Dupuytrens Release
Trigger Finger Release
Tendon, Ligaments and Nerve repairs: Hands, Knees Ankle) e.g.: Achilles Tendon Repair, Anterior / Posterior Cruciate ligaments
Orthopaedic Conditions:
Joint degenerative disease (Meniscustears,Cartilage degeneration)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Avascular Necrosis
Ligament injuries: Tears and instability
Joint Subluxations and dislocations
Muscle injuries
Nerve Injuries & impingements
Carpal Tunnel Release
Pain Syndromes
Co-developer of Smit-Botha Bio-Psychosocial Arthroplasty Clinical Outcomes Pathway.
Since 2009 - More than 3000 TKR (Total Knee Replacements) & 1800 THR (Total Hip Replacements), were recorded on a detailed Database. This was done for scientific research purposes as well as improvement of outcome and outcome measurements.
The ''Knee Blues” - similar to ''Maternity Blues'' post-surgery, was first recorded by us. Patient satisfaction and outcome measurements are very importat to us. For this reason Dr. Botha took a great interest into his patients' satisfaction and happiness following surgery. Research in various medical fields has proven that a happy, relaxed and educated patient recovers faster and that their wounds heal quicker. The Smit-Botha Arthroplasty Clinical Outcomes Pathway Program (BCOP) - was developed by Anne-Marie Smit -Occupational Therapist (STO) and Dr. Pieter Botha -Orthopaedic Surgeon, following research done from 2006 up to 2018 –still ongoing.
Research was based on national and international best medical practice and research. The Smit-Botha BCOP provides a holistic approach to Arthroplasties surgery, and we are continually updating and improving our system. Our BCOP is a patient specific arthroplasty program that not only addresses the biological aspects (physical), but also functional and psycho-social aspects(emotional and cognitive). Each patients’ Bio-psychosocial factors are considered, to adapt the treatment intervention where needed, which may have an influence on functional outcome following the patient's surgery.
The BCOP adapts the interventions for each patient according to the patient profile, expectations and perceptions to improve optimal outcome with our holistic approach. The multi-disciplinary staff support you in making this stressful situation as easy as possible by ensuring that you receive accurate, consistent and re-iterated information to correct all misconceptions.
Pre-Operative Education provides the patient with appropriate and patient specific clinical support to assist the patient in making an informed decision. The BCOP provides evidence-based intervention and treatment. Dr. Botha works within a multi-disciplinary team, using an arthroplasty protocol which ensures that the focus is not only on the physical, but also the psycho-social aspects of the patient which may have an influence on the recovery and healing process. The approach consists of pre-operative patient profiling, education individualizing intervention and treatment according to the patient profile to ensure that the patient's outcome is as eventless as possible, and recovery is optimal to enable participation in a quality life.
Specific focus on patient education and pain management, and a patient-centered-pain management program.
Results, findings and experiences were presented over past years at national and international congresses.
Since 2009, statistical analysis and continuous assessment has enabled us to regularly improve and enhance patient outcomes, experiences & patient satisfaction.
Arthroplasty Surgeries include all forms of Hip, Knee & Shoulder Replacements.
Consulting rooms at the Netcare Pinehaven Hospital.
Orthopaedic & Arthroplasty Institute
Doctor's Consultation Rooms, Floor 1, Suite 1.
Surgical Services at:
Netcare Pinehaven Private Hospital - Krugersdorp
Life Robinson Private Hospital - Randfontein
Pain management - acute and chronic patients.
Sports Clinic: Monday afternoons at Pinehaven Hospital
Osteo-Arthritis Clinic at Pinehaven Hospital.
Orthopaedic & Arthroplasty Clinic at Phumlani​ on the 2nd Wednesday of each month where patients with transport and language difficulties can attend a one-stop shop for Orthopaedic Consultation, Physical Rehabilitation and Home Exercise Programs, Functional Capacity Evaluations and any other Work related Rehabilitation.
(Language assistance: English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, German)